This year's projects on which RCMI is committed to pursuing its values and goals are:

1) Meritorious citizens

Since 2004 we have been rewarding ordinary people who are protagonists of gestures of great civility and courage. In collaboration with the Milan Police Headquarters and Milan committees.


2) Two-Wheel Academy - Global Grant

From Bollate prison to the world of work. Motorcycle mechanics you become. A training project dedicated to youth reintegration.


3) Not of bread alone...

A project created to support and sustain, after the two-year pandemic, the arts sector in Milan. We purchased over 12 subscriptions for the Prose season of the Manzoni Theater.
About the Rotary Club of Milan Linate


4) If you serve, you are served

A productive and operational collaboration with the organization "Il Pane Quotidiano," a secular organization founded in Milan in 1898. Its goal is to provide basic food supplies to those in need; every day, free of charge.


8) Regenerate-MI

This service aims to refurbish PCs, tablets and smartphones to then donate to charity to people in need.
About Rotaract Sforza


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Via del Carmine, 8 - Milano
at Palazzo Cusani
Antonella Gabriele (Club Secretary)
C.F. 97355930153


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